Location: Fort Worth, Texas, United States

Mother of 3, grandmother of 3. Compulsive writer. Single, not especially "looking."

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Today's Virtual Blog stop

Hey, all you Brats out there! Today I'm visiting with The King of Military Brats, in my opinion.....Marc Curtis should get a medal for establishing The Military Brats Registry, where anyone who has ever been a military brat, anywhere at any time, can register and find long-lost classmates.

I'm living proof of how far this Registry can reach. I had attended school in Linz Austria from 1948-52, and was particularly longing to find those classmates. But since our fathers' assignments moved us every three years or so, and then the girls got married and changed their names, it was a nearly impossible dream.

Until Marc decided to set up an Internet site just for us. Just for this purpose. I registered, looked for other people who had maybe been in my 8th grade class, and at first found some high school "kids" who had registered. But one of those high school kids had a younger sister, he said, who may have been in my class. He gave me her phone number and I called her in Longview TX and we were both ecstatic to find each other. I invited her to come to Fort Worth for the 3 day Homecoming celebration hosted by Overseas Brats, and we had a wonderful time.

So, all you brats out there! Go to Marc's blog first, then register.

You may not be looking for anybody specifically, but somebody may be looking for you!


Blogger thewriterslife said...

Wonderful interview, Marilyn!!!

April 4, 2007 at 10:23 AM  

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